We are very pleased to announce we are returning to Tyandaga Golf Club in Burlington for the upcoming Teachers Cup. It is open to all CGTF and WGTF members in good standing. Long-time, CGTF Professional Brad Weak General Manager of Golf Operations is looking forward to hosting us at his challenging golf course.
Our organization has grown in many ways during the pandemic, and we really hope to meet some of our new graduates face-to-face in August. Anyone who is an Associate Professional has the opportunity to earn full certification by completing their Playability Requirements in either tournament round. Last year everyone who attended the cup was complimentary of the entire experience.
This year we are organizing an optional practice round/skins game the day before the official tournament. This doubles your chances of meeting new friends and learning what their instruction offering entails. This event has become an enjoyable outing that many of us look forward to as the golf season winds down.
Wednesday, August 23 – Tee times begin at 12:00 pm PRACTICE ROUND / SKINS GAME
Thursday, August 24 – Tee times begin at 10:00 am Tournament Day
Dinner at 4:00 pm.
Divisions will include Open, Senior, Super Senior, and Women’s for the tournament. Prize money will be based on participation in each division. Tee times will be drawn at random and published on August 21st or sooner.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE August 4th, 2023 at 5:00 pm
Tournament Fees
$200.00 Canadian Dollars for 2 days
$150.00 Tournament day only
$50.00 Meal Only on August 24 th